Replique – a subsidiary of BASF and an end-to-end digital inventory platform for 3D printing – supports industries with the on-demand production of certified components. Replique sought a solution to provide customers with traceable parts with authenticating part markings and digital process documentation.
Through API connectivity, our Serializer was connected to Replique’s platform, allowing users to access our software and mark digital part files as required. No data is stored within the Additive Marking Suite: instead, the part is temporarily loaded in our editor and then re-exported back to Replique’s system. This allows users to edit and manage marking content without storing data outside of the Replique platform, providing extra security in the transfer of digital files.
Types of direct part markings which can be integrated parts via our Additive Marking Suite include machine readable, human readable and graphic-based labels. Additionally, GS1 codes can be integrated into the parts for improved part identification and to demonstrate conformity with relevant standards.
Additionally, by integrating a machine-readable code into parts, information about the parts’s production can be viewed by the end user through scanning with our DPM Scan Pro. Accessible information can include certification of standard compliance, material composition, build job number and other key data required by the customer. Even without the machine-readable marking.
Overall, with the combination of Serializer and DPM Scan Pro, Replique’s customers receive compliant and uniquely identifiable parts for whatever application they intend. The seamless integration of the two systems successfully combine to enable the seamless and secure provision of on-demand 3D printed parts.